Saturday, 28 February 2015

Going Vegan (kind of)

Hey guys, so firstly i have to apologize for not posting in so long. I was very busy with school which isn't not much of an excuse, but recently i have been wanting to go vegan in the hope to live a bit more of a healthy lifestyle :)  Now i don't know how long i am going to keep this up or how hard it will be but my mum used to be a vegan and she has recommend lots of yummy recipes for me to try out. I will keep you guys updated with my vegan diet and hopefully post some tips or recipes that you guys can try out yourself. If you have any questions about being a vegan feel free to ask it the comments! Also i know i said this ages ago but i have a OOTD collaboration post coming up soon so make sure you look out for that! But anyways thank you guys for reading and i will leave some pretty picture of vegan food to inspire myself, have a great day!